Knowing the condition of an asset is important to protecting the investment of lenders, investors and the public alike. Our systematic email alerts keep all parties informed at each step of the process, our inspectors have access to mobile software that’s designed as a one-stop communications center, alerting an inspector of your new orders while managing their schedule through a personal calendar, allowing new order request to be performed in a timely manner with the completed inspection available for all parties to view. Along with new technology comes training, so Intuitive Real Estate Solutions has a Customer Service Team available for client and inspector convenience along with detailed guidelines and standards to clearly communicate expectations to you, our business partner. The Customer Service Team is only an email away, so if you have questions while receiving or viewing the condition of your asset, someone will be there to guide you.
Field Services

In 2013’ Intuitive was awarded a property management contract by the city of Los Angeles. Like many other small businesses Intuitive; quickly pivoted to put in place personnel including but not limited to skilled labor and management to take on the responsibility of monitoring and maintaining the landscape of city-owned Properties. This traditional task of landscape service pumped the juices of Intuitive to seek other untraditional sources of business which lead to the 2019’ three-year contract award by Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro), this contract was awarded to Intuitive based on the past performance and proven ability to scale to the needs of large projects. As a result, the GreenCape brand was born. This division of Intuitive focuses on traditional landscaping and untraditional applications for artificial landscaping, which has proven to be an economical solution that beautifies elements of the landscape. A synthetic foliage solution combining beautification with graffiti deterrence. GreenCape prevents tagging and minimizes its associated financial and environmental costs. It improves ambiance through enhanced appearance and reduced reflected heat. And provides immediate, low-maintenance, long-term coverage that lasts. It’s smart, beautiful and fast! Learn more or call +1 310 943 9235 now to get a quote for your property.
Property monitoring is the regular visit, review and reporting of a property’s condition including but not limited to its value, which is typically required by banks, financial institutions, government agencies, private equity and other investors. Monitoring can be at any stage of a property’s life-cycle from inception, through the aging and functional operation.